

臉書(Facebook)IG(Instagram)What’s app的母公司Meta,開設了9門課程,教你社群媒體行銷、AR、手機app開發、網頁前端與後端,以及如何成為數據工程師。

Meta課程包含於coursera PLUS方案中,關於coursera課程方案可參考〈3要點速懂coursera課程費用方案〉。



  • 課程名稱:Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習2小時,約7個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括6個子課程,包括社群行銷基本觀念,以臉書Facebook、IG作為社群行銷主要教學內容
    1. Introduction to Social Media Marketing
    2. Social Media Management
    3. Fundamentals of Social Media Advertising
    4. Advertising with Meta
    5. Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns
    6. Meta Social Media Marketing Capstone


  • 課程名稱:Meta Marketing Analytics Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習4小時,約6個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括6個子課程
    1. Marketing Analytics Foundation
    2. Introduction to Data Analytics
    3. Statistics for Marketing
    4. Data Analytics Methods for Marketing
    5. Marketing Analytics with Meta
    6. Meta Marketing Science Certification Exam

Meta AR 開發人員專業課程

  • 課程名稱:Meta AR Developer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習10小時,約3個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括7個子課程
    1. Foundations of AR
    2. AR in marketing using Meta Spark
    3. AR for web using JavaScript
    4. Unity and C# basics
    5. Using AR Foundation in Unity
    6. AR games using Vuforia SDK
    7. Meta Spark Creator AR Certification

React Native課程

  • 課程名稱:Meta React Native Specialization
  • 學習規劃:每周學習6小時,約8個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括8個子課程
    1. Introduction to Mobile Development
    2. Programming with JavaScript
    3. Version Control
    4. React Basics
    5. React Native
    6. Working with Data
    7. Principles of UX/UI Design
    8. Capstone (React App)


  • 課程名稱:Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習7小時,約8個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括12個子課程
    1. Introduction to iOS Mobile Application Development
    2. Version Control
    3. Programming Fundamentals in Swift
    4. Principles of UX/UI Design
    5. Create the User Interface with SwiftUI
    6. Advanced Programming in Swift
    7. Working with Data in iOS
    8. Mobile Development and JavaScript
    9. React Basics
    10. React Native
    11. iOS App Capstone
    12. Coding Interview Preparation


  • 課程名稱:Meta Android Developer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習7小時,約8個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括12個子課程
    1. Introduction to Android Mobile Application Development
    2. Version Control
    3. Programming Fundamentals in Kotlin
    4. Principles of UX/UI Design
    5. Create the User Interface in Android Studio
    6. Advanced Programming in Kotlin
    7. Working with Data in Android
    8. Mobile Development and JavaScript
    9. React Basics
    10. React Native
    11. Android App Capstone
    12. Coding Interview Preparation


  • 課程名稱:Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習6小時,約7個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括9個子課程
    1. Introduction to Front-End Development
    2. Programming with JavaScript
    3. Version Control
    4. HTML and CSS in depth
    5. React Basics
    6. Advanced React
    7. Principles of UX/UI Design
    8. Front-End Developer Capstone
    9. Coding Interview Preparation


  • 課程名稱:Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習6小時,約8個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括九個子課程
    1. Introduction to Back-End Development
    2. Programming in Python
    3. Version Control
    4. Introduction to Databases for Back-End Development
    5. Django Web Framework
    6. APIs
    7. The Full Stack
    8. Back-End Developer Capstone
    9. Coding Interview Preparation


  • 課程名稱:Meta Database Engineer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每周學習6小時,約6個月可完成課程取得證書
  • 課程內容:包括9個子課程
    1. Introduction to Databases
    2. Version Control
    3. Database Structures and Management with MySQL
    4. Advanced MySQL Topics
    5. Programming in Python
    6. Database Clients
    7. Advanced Data Modeling
    8. Database Engineer Capstone
    9. Coding Interview Preparation



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